At the beginning of the year, I made my 2020 Planner and Journal Lineup. Things have changed quite a bit ever since with me trying out new journals and repurposing others. There were also some journals that I left for the time being because they won’t be relevant for the remainder of the year but still will be reached for at some point eventually. That’s why I decided to make this updated July 2020 Planner and Journal Lineup.
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July is here! I honestly can’t believe that we are already in the second half of the year. 2020 has been quite a ride so far. In this Plan With Me, you’ll be able to see that I made quite a few changes to my setup. After my review of these past few months, I decided to try new things for my setup without making it complicated. The theme for this July 2020 Bullet Journal Setup is going to be the movie that changed my life, Moana. For the ones who don’t know, July is my birthday month and I wanted to make sure that I selected a proper theme for it. Hope you like it!
Read MorePlan With Me | July 2020 Bullet Journal Setup – Moana
So far, 2020 has been quite the year. That’s why I wanted to make sure to keep up with the theme I had already planned for June. Since I knew that by this time I would be graduating high school, I wanted to dedicate this month's theme to one of the Disney Channel movies I’ve seen the most which is High School Musical: Senior Year which I found quite fitting for the time. I know that it hasn’t been a traditional senior year but that doesn’t change the fact that this is my last year as a high school senior student. Here we have my June 2020 Bullet Journal Setup, High School Musical Themed.
Read MorePlan With Me | June 2020 Bullet Journal Setup – High School Musical
Hey guys! I know I’ve been out of my posting schedule as of lately but I’m getting back on my Tuesday and Saturday uploading schedule with some bonuses here and there. I am super excited for May; mostly because I’m planning to do a Star Wars marathon. Speaking of Star Wars, this is my May 2020 Star Wars Bullet Journal Setup. I had a lot of fun creating these spreads filled with Star Wars and galaxy-inspired doodles.
Read MoreMay 2020 Star Wars Bullet Journal Setup
Guys! Here we have my April 2020 Bullet Journal Setup. I know it’s a tad bit late, but here nonetheless. I decided to make my month’s theme surrounding spring and fairies, as in Tinker Bell fairies. I have always loved the Tinker Bell movies and with spring arriving, I decided to combine these two things for my April Bullet Journal Setup. I pretty much kept the same sort of monthly spreads except for the weekly as you will see going forward.
Read MoreApril 2020 Bullet Journal Setup
Camp NaNoWriMo is just right around the corner and if you saw my March Monthly Plan With Me you would have read that it is one of my goals for this month to prep for it and what it holds. Even though for the past couple of months I’ve included creative writing tasks in my monthly bullet journal plan, I have not found myself completing them. Also, for the ones who don’t know what Camp NaNoWriMo is I recommend you check out the post I mentioned of me talking all about it or check out the official NaNoWriMo website. As I said, I haven’t done much regarding my book series and I think that Camp NaNoWriMo is the perfect opportunity to change that and for that reason, I decided to create Camp NaNoWriMo Planning and Tracking Pages in my writing journal you may have already seen in my 2020 planner and journal line up.
Read MoreCamp NaNoWriMo Planning and Tracking Pages
When one gets into bullet journaling trying out a bunch of stationery becomes part of the process of developing the perfect bullet journaling system for you. In this post, I will be mentioning my day to day bullet journal essentials. If you are interested in developing your bullet journal system, I recommend you check out my post on how I started bullet journaling and my recommendations. As you can see in the picture, I have a Frozen binder pencil bag I got for like a dollar and I find that it works well enough to carry all my supplies.
Read MoreMy Bullet Journal Essentials
Guys! February went by so far!!! We are already at the end of the first quarter of the year in this new decade which is kind of insane. I am excited for this March 2020 Bullet Journal Setup. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would have a theme for my bullet journal but in the end, I chose a theme that I like and find quite inspiring to have throughout the month. I chose Bees and Geometric Figures for this month’s theme as I found it was fitting to celebrate such a hardworking element in nature as a bee as well as use the classic hexagons to represent honeycombs and kind of the month of math as we celebrate Pi Day on the fourth. Also, I used blues and purples because I read somewhere that bees are attracted to those colors.
Read MoreMarch 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up-Bees and Hexagons
February is a great month to reflect on giving yourself, love. For that reason, I decided to focus my month on developing a self-care routine and themed my bullet journal accordingly. I will be creating my usual functional planning spreads filled with self-care and valentine’s doodles. I also will be adding some extra spreads dedicated to self-care/ love and friendship because I also like to make little gifts for my friends. Don’t worry, I will talk about Valentine’s Day gift ideas in a future post before the fourteenth.
Read MoreFebruary 2020 Self Love and Care Bullet Journal Set Up