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Guys! February went by so far!!! We are already at the end of the first quarter of the year in this new decade which is kind of insane. I am excited for this March 2020 Bullet Journal Setup. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would have a theme for my bullet journal but in the end, I chose a theme that I like and find quite inspiring to have throughout the month. I chose Bees and Geometric Figures for this month’s theme as I found it was fitting to celebrate such a hardworking element in nature as a bee as well as use the classic hexagons to represent honeycombs and kind of the month of math as we celebrate Pi Day on the fourteenth. Also, I used blues and purples because I read somewhere that bees are attracted to those colors.
At a Glance, To-Do List, Quote

I did my usual month at a glance in which I make a little calendar with a monthly log from the original bullet journal system created by Ryder Carroll.
In January I didn’t give much use to the master to-do list for the month; but in February, I did but I found out that I didn’t need such a long task list for monthly to-do’s as I already have one in my BY planner you may know of if you read my 2020 Planner Line Up as well as my weekly goals and to-do’s. For that reason, I’m putting a to-do list in beside my monthly log and below both, I will have this beautiful quote I found online.
Goals and Calendar

Every month, I set up at least 5 goals to focus on and I found that this has truly helped me maintain my focus in completing them. If you want to know more about my goal setting, make sure to stay tuned as my first blog post for March will be my Getting My Life Together but, you can still check out my previous blog posts of getting my life together for February and January. I doodled a bee to tie in the bee theme.
I also added the trusty school calendar that I have enjoyed using throughout this month for school. I use a color-coded key I created from the moment I started bullet journaling for my classes and wrote little things like; HW (homework), test, quiz, etc. and highlighted it with my Crayola coloring pencils. Also, as you can see, I kind of didn’t make sure to designate a reasonable amount of space to write in but I guess I have to write small, more than usual.
To add the theme to the page, I made hexagons out of the calendar boxes to spice the page more and outlined it with a mango colored pencil.
Logs and Trackers

I have my usual graph habit tracker as always and my gratitude logs beside it as I visit these logs on a daily basis. To decorate the page I added the same sort of 3D headers as well as flying bees in the footer section.
First Weekly

I decided to keep both vertical and horizontal layouts every week changing because it allows me to never get bored of my weeklies. For the first weekly setup, I make a horizontal layout with my usual left out space for weekly goals and to-do’s made hexagons to represent honeycombs.
If you want to see the rest of my weekly spreads for the month, I recommend you check out my social media as I will be posting them there at the start of each week on Sundays.
I hope you liked this blog posts and have an amazing month. If you liked this blog post and want to see more fun content like this, make sure to check out my social media and subscribe to my weekly newsletter to not only receive at every Saturday all the blog posts I published throughout the week(Tuesdays and Saturdays) but also, the self-love and care workbook I created just for you inspired in all the content I posted in February.
Be Yourself, Be Happy, Be Human.
xoxo, Patrick.