As a creative person, I’m always looking for different tools and resources to create, learn, and be inspired by art. Today, I will be showing you the best free apps for creatives. I use these apps on a daily basis and love them. The best thing about them aside from their amazing features is that they are free. (You know this girl loves free stuff.)
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Hi Guys! At times of high stress and anxiety, I like to do certain types of DIYs for stress and anxiety relief. You may realize that some of the DIYs I will be mentioning I’ve done previously on other posts. That’s how you know I truly love making them.
Read MoreDIYs for Stress and Anxiety Relief
In one of my previous posts, I mentioned how much I love language learning. These past few years I’ve been studying Korean. I made a post on How I Started Learning Korean and Recommendations for Language Learning with a list of all the free tools and resources online that I use to study and learn Korean. Aside from the digital tools, I use three Korean language learning notebooks to track my progress and study in a way that’s functional and fun at the same time. Without further ado, let’s head into the notebooks I use for Korean language learning.
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Mother’s Day is literally right around the corner. I love holidays and birthdays and making gifts for those special dates for the special people in my life. I decided that one of my gifts for my mom on Mother’s Day will be a jewelry box because I thought that it would be the perfect thing she could reach for her favorite jewelry. Aside from the DIY jewelry box, I will be giving you some Mother’s Day gift ideas that you can make yourself to celebrate your mom.
Read MoreDIY Jewelry Box – Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Ever since I was a little girl, I loved the idea of visiting new places and learning about the world and its wonders. I didn’t only want to visit the place, I wanted to learn the language to the point that I wasn’t just only getting by, that I could truly experience everything about that place without any limitations. One of the places I became interested in from a young age was South Korea because I loved and keep loving K-Dramas and K-Pop. I wanted to visit all of those places that were showcased in dramas and more. So I decided to start my Korean learning journey and in this post, I will tell you how I started learning Korean and recommendations for language learning filled with free tools and resources and tips.
Read MoreHow I Started Learning Korean and Recommendations for Language Learning
Hi guys! Happy Star Wars Day a.k.a. May the Fourth Be With You! I hope you have an amazing day filled with Star Wars adventures (movies, books, and series). To celebrate this day, I wanted to make some crafts at home with supplies that I had at hand. I also used a bunch of recyclable supplies like water bottles and cardboard/cardstock from the packaging. All of them are stationery related though they can also be used for other purposes. Make sure to let me know down below how are you planning to celebrate this day. I hope you enjoy all of these Star Wars Stationery DIYs.
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Hi Guys! Back on the schedule is my May 2020 Life Monthly Planning. I will go through all the things that I set up to prep and plan for a new month. I will be setting up my top 5 goals for the month as well as any important creative projects I want to work on. To maintain focus throughout the month, I always set up a maximum of 5 main goals for the month just to make sure that I don’t get overwhelmed a loose track of my priorities. I will jot down these goals, projects and to do’s in my monthly spread in my May 2020 Bullet Journal whose theme is Star Wars as May the Fourth is right around the corner.
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Hey guys! I know I’ve been out of my posting schedule as of lately but I’m getting back on my Tuesday and Saturday uploading schedule with some bonuses here and there. I am super excited for May; mostly because I’m planning to do a Star Wars marathon. Speaking of Star Wars, this is my May 2020 Star Wars Bullet Journal Setup. I had a lot of fun creating these spreads filled with Star Wars and galaxy-inspired doodles.
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Guys! Here we have my April 2020 Bullet Journal Setup. I know it’s a tad bit late, but here nonetheless. I decided to make my month’s theme surrounding spring and fairies, as in Tinker Bell fairies. I have always loved the Tinker Bell movies and with spring arriving, I decided to combine these two things for my April Bullet Journal Setup. I pretty much kept the same sort of monthly spreads except for the weekly as you will see going forward.
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