After taking a year and a half off of university, I came back this past semester (jan-may) with a new mindset that allowed me to enjoy the education process as I once did. This video has snippets from times I wanted to talk about things whilst in uni. I started a new challenge with no name (will probably make some adjustments to the idea at some point). I thought the semester back at university with a new mindset after a gap year would be the best way to start the new lineup of videos now that I have extra time to work on them.
Read Morethe semester back at university with a new mindset after taking a gap year
For the past few months I've been wanting to redo my bedroom. I felt like I had all the pieces but they were scattered all over the place which is why I planned this room transformation tour since it was very much needed. My room went from scattered and cluttered to organized and effective and I love it. Hope you enjoy the process.
Read MoreRoom Transformation Tour – room makeover, decor haul, room tour
I’ve tried too many apps to count and after all this time. these are the apps that I decided that would benefit me in my day to day. Hope you enjoy this what’s on my phone video filled with lots of productivity apps for a productive and efficient phone setup.
Read MorePhone Organization – What’s on my phone? Productivity Apps
In this video, I will be sharing my monthly prepping and planning process for February. I setup my bullet journal spreads, clean up my room, organize my stuff, review and set goals, and much more. Hope you enjoy this February 2022 Plan With Me.
Read MoreFebruary 2022 Plan With Me | getting my life together, goal setting, bullet journal setup, & more!
We’re still at the beginning of this year so I wanted to still focus the monthly spreads of this February 2022 Bullet Journal Setup around goal setting. Aside from that, I will be creating a couple of self-care spreads since February is the month of love both towards others and ourselves.
Read MorePlan With Me | February 2022 Bullet Journal Setup
Back to school is just around the corner for me and even though the first few weeks have been announced to be online, I decided to set up my backpack and show you what’s in my backpack for college as a second semester sophomore student.
Read MoreWhat’s in my backpack for College? Sophomore Year Edition
This year, I decided to take you through my process of making my DIY Bullet Journal using the kettle stitching technique and showing you a flip-through of my 2022 Bullet Journal Setup.
Read MoreDIY Bullet Journal + 2022 Bullet Journal Flip-Through
I know every month and every moment, in general, can be a new beginning, but January just hits different and feels like a new beginning to a whole other level. That’s why, for this month, I decided to go all out and try new spreads that could be a hit or a miss. Here is the January 2022 Bullet Journal Setup.
Read MorePlan With Me | January 2022 Bullet Journal Setup
2022 is here and is ready to start rolling. As always, there’s no better way to welcome a brand new year than with a brand new bullet journal setup. I know I haven’t posted in a while but 2022 is going to be different and full of content coming your way. To start off, we have the 2022 Bullet Journal Setup.
Read MorePlan With Me | 2022 Bullet Journal Setup