November… The start of a month that indicates that we are less than two months away from Christmas and two months away from the new year. Am I freaking out a little bit? Maybe… I’m extremely excited for these upcoming two months and this November 2020 Life Monthly Planning because it’s almost Christmas and I can already feel the Christmas spirit and cannot wait for all the crafting projects regarding this amazing holiday season.
Read MoreNovember 2020 Life Monthly Planning
Hi guys! It’s November and you know what that means? We are less than 2 months away from Christmas and I’m freaking out with excitement! I struggled quite a bit with setting up a theme for this month’s bullet journal setup. I went with some sort of combination with books and cozy vibes. Let’s just head straight into this November 2020 Bullet Journal Setup.
Read MorePlan With Me | November 2020 Bullet Journal Setup – Cozy Bookworm Themed
If you read any of my prepping for college blog posts published in early August, you know that I opted for a binder as my main tool to store all of my notes. Ever since the semester started I’ve been keeping up with the college student binder setup that I’m about to share with you.
Read MoreCollege Student Binder Setup & Organization
I can’t believe we are already in the tenth month of 2020 which means… Christmas is right around the corner and I cannot be more excited about it. As usual, I do my monthly planning at the end of the previous month or at the start of the month for which I’m planning for. This is my October 2020 Life Monthly Planning.
Read MoreOctober 2020 Life Monthly Planning
My October 2020 Bullet Journal Setup is finally here! This month’s theme is quite different from the ones that I have done previously as they all were quite colorful. This only has pops of colors here and there but not as much as the previous months. I decided to got with a Wizarding World of Harry Potter Bullet Journal theme because I thought it would be fun to spice things up and to see what elements I could bring in from the franchise.
Read MorePlan With Me | October 2020 Bullet Journal Setup – Wizarding World of Harry Potter Themed
With the start of college in August came assignments, tests, and quizzes. I started to notice that I have developed a full study system for the different classes that I’m taking. For anyone out there struggling to study for tests and quizzes, I will list out all the study tips I have developed throughout this new semester or have been using ever since school.
Read More10+ Study Tips for College Students
As a stationery and Disney fanatic, it is my duty to get Disney stationery supplies. I’ve always loved stationery and Disney, but when I saw a specific set of journals from the Oh My Disney Collection at a Disney Store, I fell in love. I pledge guilty of buying that set of journals and loving them more than I anticipated. For any stationery and Disney fan out there, here are my favorite Disney Stationery Supplies.
Read MoreMy Favorite Disney Stationery Supplies
Ever since little I had a thing for crafting. It is one of those things that just makes me happy. Crafting allows you to create new things and fix old ones. Throughout the years I’ve been able to try a few crafting tools along the way and there are some that once you try them there’s no going back. These are the tools that have made my life easier and have allowed me to try new sorts of crafting projects thanks to the flexibility they provide me. Some of them you may consider essential and some not. These are my favorite and must-have crafting supplies for the type of crafting that I do and depending on the things you like to create you may like other tools.
Read MoreMy Top 10 Must-Have Crafting Supplies
Not so long ago, I used to waste my time procrastinating (a week ago, more like a year ago, to be honest). I wasn’t in the best place emotionally, not that the amount of productivity you have reflects your mental state but for me, I used to spend hours on end thinking of all the things that I wanted to accomplish and fill myself with anxiety by not doing any one of them. Getting up to make a list became too much and that’s something because I’m a lister through and through; as well as it didn’t help in terms of following the goals that I wanted to accomplish. Throughout the years I spent so much time procrastinating that I’m pretty sure I can get a Ph.D. in procrastination. I hope these productivity tips help you with starting to work on your dreams and projects.
Read MoreProductivity TIPS for Procrastinators (Like Myself)