Do you ever struggle with setting and organizing your goals in order to actually achieve them? Here are a few lists to plan your life and set goals. This will help you out to categorize your goals and have some backup lists to pick up your mood and motivate you to work on your goals.
Read MoreLists to Plan your Life and Set Goals
Guys! We are literally a month away from Christmas! I cannot believe Christmas is just around the corner. With Christmas, comes a lot of prepping since I always like to make the most out of this lovely holiday. Here is my December 2020 Life Monthly Planning and the last monthly planning session of 2020.
Read MoreDecember 2020 Life Monthly Planning – Christmas Prep
November… The start of a month that indicates that we are less than two months away from Christmas and two months away from the new year. Am I freaking out a little bit? Maybe… I’m extremely excited for these upcoming two months and this November 2020 Life Monthly Planning because it’s almost Christmas and I can already feel the Christmas spirit and cannot wait for all the crafting projects regarding this amazing holiday season.
Read MoreNovember 2020 Life Monthly Planning
I can’t believe we are already in the tenth month of 2020 which means… Christmas is right around the corner and I cannot be more excited about it. As usual, I do my monthly planning at the end of the previous month or at the start of the month for which I’m planning for. This is my October 2020 Life Monthly Planning.
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What a month August was. I don’t know about you guys but so many things happened this month for me. Not bad things. It was quite an eventful month in terms of my personal life with the start of my first semester as an online college student and productivity-wise with the setup of new routines and projects done throughout the month. I hope you had an amazing month and that everything went as expected. I know these are very uncertain times and one of the reasons for which I have maintained these planning routines is because of the little things I can sort of control, I want to get a hold of or prepare for. I can’t believe that this is September 2020 Life Monthly Planning Post when 2020 feels like it started yesterday. What an eventful year…
Read MoreSeptember 2020 Life Monthly Planning
Happy August everyone! Is Back To School season though in my case is more like a back to classes season since I will be taking classes online. I want to make sure that I still prep for my personal projects so that I can keep up with my goals for the rest of the year and find a way to manage them all effectively. This is my August 2020 Life Monthly Planning.
Read MoreAugust 2020 Life Monthly Planning
Summer is just around the corner. In Puerto Rico, you can start feeling the summer just as soon as winter finishes. I am more of a winter kind of person. I just love the vibes and the weather though it doesn’t know, it is a bit less hot than the rest of the year. And, the most amazing thing about winter, at least for me, is Christmas. I just love everything about Christmas, the movies, family, and friends, the holiday food and decorations; just EVERYTHING. But this isn’t a post about me fangirling over Christmas, it is about how I am going to do my summer prep and planning since I consider summer the months of June and July.
Read MoreSummer Prep & Planning + Free Printable
If there’s one month for which I have to plan for, it is June. As the first month of summer, I tend to go on a productivity slump with this new season that I’m not such a fan of. I will treat this month as any other setting it up with a plan for success. I will try my extra best to fulfill each and every one of the goals I have in this June 2020 Life Monthly Planning session.
Read MoreJune 2020 Life Monthly Planning
Hi Guys! Back on the schedule is my May 2020 Life Monthly Planning. I will go through all the things that I set up to prep and plan for a new month. I will be setting up my top 5 goals for the month as well as any important creative projects I want to work on. To maintain focus throughout the month, I always set up a maximum of 5 main goals for the month just to make sure that I don’t get overwhelmed a loose track of my priorities. I will jot down these goals, projects and to do’s in my monthly spread in my May 2020 Bullet Journal whose theme is Star Wars as May the Fourth is right around the corner.
Read MoreMay 2020 Life Monthly Planning