What are the BEST Habits to Create for Creatives

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Throughout the years, I’ve been trying out different habits that would improve my day to day both physically and emotionally. A lot of these I’ve been doing for years and a few for the past few months. These habits have been really impactful and that’s why I consider them to be the best habits to create for creatives.


I started journaling because I used to end up my days feeling that I’ve could have done much more than I actually did. With no particular prompts, I took it upon my self to reflect on every single day. Writing down from the smallest of accomplishments and started realizing that I wasn’t wasting my time. I wrote out my overall feeling for the day and the sequence of things I did throughout the day.

I would write things from washing my hair to finishing a crafting project. This allowed me to appreciate the fact that I didn’t waste my day and motivate me to be more productive in the next one.


I gotta be honest with you guys, I’m not big on exercise whatsoever. I appreciate how it improves our health but I’m lazy in that department.

Nevertheless, I took it upon myself to do at least ten minutes of yoga a couple of days a week. From that, I decided to do it on a daily basis because I noticed how my productivity improved from doing yoga first thing in the morning.

If you are a newbie to yoga like myself, I recommend you check out this 10-minute yoga routine on YouTube. It is the easiest one I could find so highly recommended.


This is the habit that I find to be most difficult to start doing because as a creative, my brain never rests and is always on a million-mile run (I know, I’m extra like that).

One thing I have found helpful doing to meditate for longer than a few seconds is to use guided meditations I have found on YouTube. Most of them are 10 minutes or less which is as much as I can do.

At the moment, I’m doing a meditation session while doing yoga and that has been helpful to maintain my daily meditation routine. Also, breathing exercises are helpful to do while meditating and concentrate on your breathing rather than on your thoughts.


As creatives, we always find something that has to be worked on. Instead of that being a big project, I recommend you work on developing a self-care routine.

Taking care of our bodies and mind is of great importance so that you can be at your best when working. I do self care activities in my day to day and developed an ideal self-care day to do on a weekly basis.

I try my best to comply with that plan. One thing I do to make sure I do self-care activities is to include them in my to-do list. They are as important as any other task you may have for the day so having them in your to-do list may help you prioritize them.

Self-Care Workbook


One thing I love about being a creative is learning something new every day. This gives the opportunity to improve on the things you already know and work on learning new ones.

It is sort of like fuel for your mind; the more you learn, the more you create. Learning includes things such as languages, design, or just anything, in particular, you might be interested in.

You can learn on YouTube and platforms like Skillshare, Coursera, Khan Academy and Shaw Academy. The options are truly endless in what you could learn.


I love reading. It is the one thing that if I didn’t do anything else throughout the day aside from reading, I feel accomplished. If you are interested in developing a reading routine, I recommend you check out this post on How to Develop a Reading Habit.

Every time I get into a reading slump, I go through the steps from that blog post to get back on reading daily.


This is not only a great habit to develop as a creative but for anyone out there to make the habit of. You don’t have to go on a tangent on the things you are grateful for throughout the month, it could be a simple list that you fill day by day.

I personally have a gratitude log in my bullet journal that I fill with at least one thing I’m grateful for each day and that has helped me in terms of having a positive mindset and outlook for the day and days to come.


There’s nothing more important to a creative than creating. I track this habit by writing down creative work. This includes anything from making a little bracelet, writing, crafting, and painting, to anything that regards the creative mind which is almost everything that you could possibly imagine.

On self-care days, I focus on smaller creative projects like painting bookmarks or doodling. The reason why I do this is that I focus most of my time on big crafting projects and leave smaller creative tasks on the sideline so when a self-care day comes, I dedicate my time to those smaller projects that bring me lots of joy.

I hope you found this blog post helpful and that these habits improve your day to day lifestyle. Remember that habits are created with time and repetition and that as humans, it is okay to fall off from habits from time to time, especially the ones that are new to us.

The important thing is to keep going and never giving up on yourself. You can do anything you dream as long as you put your heart to it.

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Be Yourself, Be Happy, Be Human.
Lots of Love, Patrick.

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