Self-Care is a thing that often ends up in the backlist of people thought it is really important to keep up and maintain in your day to day. That’s why I decided to dedicate this whole month to self-care and self-love so that maybe we could all start and maintain our journey in taking good care of ourselves and live a more positive and fulfilling life. In this blog post, I jot down self-care ideas for four individual categories. I hope you find these ideas helpful and useful to have amazing self-love and care days.
Read MoreSelf-Care Ideas
As you may know by now my theme for February is self-care and love. I already did a post on how to create a comfort and positivity box and now, I will be downsizing my comfort kit more carry on friendly so that you have something to reach throughout the day. These are all of my self-care kit essentials to carry around along so that I can reach for them when I’m not feeling my best at any point in the day.
Read MoreOn-the-Go Comfort Kit
I have always loved reading but could never find myself setting up the time to do the activity that I loved so much. Almost two years ago I would just think about how much I would want to incorporate a little bit of reading each day into my schedule ending up doing nothing about it and have my books catching dust on the shelves. Well, I got tired of that because like I said, it’s an activity that I really enjoy and it was something that made my day better than a day in which I didn’t read. The thing is that as much as I loved reading I loved procrastinating and making excuses more. I then decided to take matters at hand and put up my mind to establish a reading habit, routine or space in my day to read and in this post, I will tell you exactly how I did it.
Read MoreHow to Establish a Reading Habit
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and one of the things that I love the most about Valentine’s Day is creating little gift bags for my friends. I get excited for two reasons, one; I go ahead and give my friend a bit of extra love with the gifts and two; I make personalized gifts for each of them and get excited thinking about how am I going to personalize each gift. This post is for anyone out there who also loves gift giving and crafting on a budget. As you may know, I’m currently on a no-spend challenge that only excludes gifts and books. Though, throughout the year I try to save up money and making the gifts myself not only for the sake of saving up but also because I get more creative freedom and love to personalize each gift to each friend. That's why I'm making this DIY Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for everyone out there who wants to do the same. Also, to each one of my besties who started to read this, out you go, you cannot see this post because I will be showing what will be in your little gift bags and if you continue to read on you better take out your inner Oscar-winning actress and make sure I don’t realize you read this. Love ya!
Read MoreDIY Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
Sometimes, when things get a bit out of control or just when we need an outlet for our emotions, it is convenient to have something to reach for when we don’t know what to do and bring comfort to our lives and remind ourselves everything beautiful that there is and set that ray of sunshine in our day. That’s why I made myself a comfort and positivity box that I wish to share with all of you. For the ones who don’t know what a comfort box is let me give you a little description. A comfort box is a box, bag or container of sorts in which you put a selection of things that bring you comfort and guidance for when you are not feeling your best emotionally.
Read MoreDIY Comfort and Positivity Box
I have been doing some creative journaling here and there since the end of last year and found it to be one of the most calming and entertaining things to do when I’m feeling overwhelmed by life or just want to do a creative outlet activity. As I have sort of themed this month surrounding self-love and care, I decided to create 5 self-care creative journaling prompts keeping up that theme. I recommend you try some creative journaling yourself and keep in mind that there are no rules or guidelines when journaling. I will be giving you these prompts in case you don’t know where to start but once you do, you will have a whole world of creativity to work around.
Read More5 Self-Care Creative Journaling Prompts
February is here and I wanted to make sure to review and start getting my life together on a monthly basis! I feel like January went on so slow but at the same time, I can’t believe we are already in the second month of the year. This February is extra special not only for being the first February of the decade but for also having an extra day which is convenient when you have a lot of things planned for the month. I have quite a few things planned for this month as I will be focusing it on self-love and care and want to establish a bunch of great habits for my emotional and physical health. I changed and added a lot of stuff since my January Life Plan With Me because I soon realized that I needed to plan more stuff than I had previously foreseen. I will go into my goals for the month, extra to do’s as well as creative project planning and goal setting.
Read MoreGetting My Life Together-February 2020
February is a great month to reflect on giving yourself, love. For that reason, I decided to focus my month on developing a self-care routine and themed my bullet journal accordingly. I will be creating my usual functional planning spreads filled with self-care and valentine’s doodles. I also will be adding some extra spreads dedicated to self-care/ love and friendship because I also like to make little gifts for my friends. Don’t worry, I will talk about Valentine’s Day gift ideas in a future post before the fourteenth.
Read MoreFebruary 2020 Self Love and Care Bullet Journal Set Up
As a way to keep myself accountable for all of my goals for the new year as well as deadlines for assignments and to-do’s, I decided to form a sort of monthly planning system that I hope will work for this new year. During this planning session, I will be keeping in mind all of my goals and any important days I need to set out for this specific month. As the month passes, I will be reviewing this planning method to take out the things that I didn’t use and adding the things that I believe I need for the coming month. If you want to see more of this sort of planning, make sure to comment it down below. I will be doing most of this planning in my 2020 bullet journal.
Read MoreJanuary Life Plan With Me