2020 has been quite an interesting year and I felt that it has gone both fast and slow at the same time. The first quarter of the year is already almost over and I’m kind of just rolling with it because like I said, it has gone quite fast. As you may know, I tend to do monthly preps or planning from the posts I’ve made about it in January, February, and March. And each month I set up my goals for the upcoming month and how I’m planning to achieve them. This year I started it by dividing my yearly goals into quarters and then breaking those goals into monthly goals. I have a lot of things planned for this upcoming second quarter and just thinking about it is stressing me out but at the same time, I’m excited. In May I will graduate from high school and I’m super excited to start a new chapter in my life with university and terrified at the same time. So I’m just gonna stop rambling and head into my first quarter review and second quarter planning.
Read More2020 First Quarter Review Second Quarter Planning
Spring is already here and I thought that what better way to welcome it than by cleaning up my space. That’s why I decide to create a little plan in my bullet journal to clean up the main things in my life like my purses and my bedroom. I can be very organized in some things and messy in others. For instance, one of the things that are going to be recurrent in terms of tasks is taking out the trash as in little pieces of paper and stuff since I’m really bad at throwing away stuff because I always make excuses like it could be used for other things and leave them all over the place. This is my spring cleaning action plan as a senior high school student.
Read MoreSpring Cleaning Action Plan
As a Senior high school student, I have extra to-do lists that involve prepping for college and filling out scholarships and stuff like that. I don’t know about you, but in terms of scholarships I have to create a binder for a lot of them and I figured that while I make mine I will take you through all the things that I feel will be great to put in your binder. Depending on the scholarship you are applying for it may ask you to write some type of essay like why are you deserving of that scholarship or about a specific topic they give you. In this post, I will go through my senior scholarship binder setup and layout.
Read MoreSenior Scholarship Binder Setup
As a celebration of craft month, I decided to do a little crafting project with some extra supplies I had at hand with nothing to do. I think crafting is one of the best things to do to decompress from the whole week or when you just need a little bit of self-love. I always make a mess when crafting but the satisfaction of the final product is enough to get me through cleaning it all up afterward. Made a full stationery booklet with a notepad, folder pockets, an accordion folder, bookmarks, sticky notes and a journal slide in to put a thin journal. I know it seems like a bit much but it truly isn’t difficult to make.
Read MoreDIY Stationery Booklet
Camp NaNoWriMo is just right around the corner and if you saw my March Monthly Plan With Me you would have read that it is one of my goals for this month to prep for it and what it holds. Even though for the past couple of months I’ve included creative writing tasks in my monthly bullet journal plan, I have not found myself completing them. Also, for the ones who don’t know what Camp NaNoWriMo is I recommend you check out the post I mentioned of me talking all about it or check out the official NaNoWriMo website. As I said, I haven’t done much regarding my book series and I think that Camp NaNoWriMo is the perfect opportunity to change that and for that reason, I decided to create Camp NaNoWriMo Planning and Tracking Pages in my writing journal you may have already seen in my 2020 planner and journal line up.
Read MoreCamp NaNoWriMo Planning and Tracking Pages
When one gets into bullet journaling trying out a bunch of stationery becomes part of the process of developing the perfect bullet journaling system for you. In this post, I will be mentioning my day to day bullet journal essentials. If you are interested in developing your bullet journal system, I recommend you check out my post on how I started bullet journaling and my recommendations. As you can see in the picture, I have a Frozen binder pencil bag I got for like a dollar and I find that it works well enough to carry all my supplies.
Read MoreMy Bullet Journal Essentials
March has come and I’m honestly really excited about all the things I have planned to do throughout the month. Here we have my Life Monthly Planning for March. In this series of posts I go through all of my life goals: yearly, quarterly and monthly to set up my goals for the upcoming month and determine a focus for the whole month. I will also be migrating every to-do that wasn’t done the previous month in my master to-do list for March’s Bullet Journal.
Read MoreLife Monthly Planning for March 2020
Halfway through last year, I decided to develop a self-care day or more specifically add more self-care to my day to day and have a specific day in the week in which I go a little bit further in my self-care. Today, I will be jotting how my ideal self-care day looks like.
Read MoreMy Ideal Self-Care Day
Guys! February went by so far!!! We are already at the end of the first quarter of the year in this new decade which is kind of insane. I am excited for this March 2020 Bullet Journal Setup. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would have a theme for my bullet journal but in the end, I chose a theme that I like and find quite inspiring to have throughout the month. I chose Bees and Geometric Figures for this month’s theme as I found it was fitting to celebrate such a hardworking element in nature as a bee as well as use the classic hexagons to represent honeycombs and kind of the month of math as we celebrate Pi Day on the fourth. Also, I used blues and purples because I read somewhere that bees are attracted to those colors.
Read MoreMarch 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up-Bees and Hexagons