These past few months (cough years) have been interesting and after a lot of wandering in the lower parts of the mood graph. I’m finally in a place in which I can be functional. Still, I’ve been kind of MIA and now that “I’m back” in a way, there are a couple of things I need to pick up where I started and some things that I need to start from scratch with my new acquired wisdom (can you tell I’m a Ravenclaw?) That's when I decided to create the multiply challenge.
Read MoreFrom Static to Active: The Multiply Challenge (5x12x100)
I know this year has been quite difficult for a lot of people around the world. It may be hard to get excited for the holidays with everything going on in the world at the moment. Still, there are little things here and there you can do to get into the Christmas holiday spirit and get excited for such an incredible season.
Read MoreHow to Get Into the Christmas Holiday Spirit
Not so long ago, I used to waste my time procrastinating (a week ago, more like a year ago, to be honest). I wasn’t in the best place emotionally, not that the amount of productivity you have reflects your mental state but for me, I used to spend hours on end thinking of all the things that I wanted to accomplish and fill myself with anxiety by not doing any one of them. Getting up to make a list became too much and that’s something because I’m a lister through and through; as well as it didn’t help in terms of following the goals that I wanted to accomplish. Throughout the years I spent so much time procrastinating that I’m pretty sure I can get a Ph.D. in procrastination. I hope these productivity tips help you with starting to work on your dreams and projects.
Read MoreProductivity TIPS for Procrastinators (Like Myself)
Throughout the years, I’ve been trying out different habits that would improve my day to day both physically and emotionally. A lot of these I’ve been doing for years and a few for the past few months. These habits have been really impactful and that’s why I consider them to be the best habits to create for creatives.
Read MoreWhat are the BEST Habits to Create for Creatives
With school and college comes a lot of assignments and responsibilities. I wanted to make sure that I distributed my time nicely so that I could fulfill both my responsibilities and had time to do extra activities that make me happy. Here is how I deal with school time management to be able to work on both my responsibilities as a student and my personal life.
Read MoreSchool Time Management
I have always loved reading but could never find myself setting up the time to do the activity that I loved so much. Almost two years ago I would just think about how much I would want to incorporate a little bit of reading each day into my schedule ending up doing nothing about it and have my books catching dust on the shelves. Well, I got tired of that because like I said, it’s an activity that I really enjoy and it was something that made my day better than a day in which I didn’t read. The thing is that as much as I loved reading I loved procrastinating and making excuses more. I then decided to take matters at hand and put up my mind to establish a reading habit, routine or space in my day to read and in this post, I will tell you exactly how I did it.
Read MoreHow to Establish a Reading Habit
I have been doing some creative journaling here and there since the end of last year and found it to be one of the most calming and entertaining things to do when I’m feeling overwhelmed by life or just want to do a creative outlet activity. As I have sort of themed this month surrounding self-love and care, I decided to create 5 self-care creative journaling prompts keeping up that theme. I recommend you try some creative journaling yourself and keep in mind that there are no rules or guidelines when journaling. I will be giving you these prompts in case you don’t know where to start but once you do, you will have a whole world of creativity to work around.
Read More5 Self-Care Creative Journaling Prompts