With the new year comes new planners, and I love planners. In fact, I’ve been prepping for the start of this year since halfway through the last one. In this post, I will be jotting down all the planners I’m planning on using this brand new year as well as any extra journals I decided to add to the mix.
Read More2020 Planner Line Up
We are finally heading into the January 2020 Bullet Journal Plan With Me. I am so excited about this month's theme! I chose the Naruto anime series for this month's theme because this series has so many life lessons built in it that are taught through these kids and beings that have gone through so much stuff and keep going no matter whatever life throws at them. They all went from "zero to hero" several times in the series and the world and the hearts of the characters are so well developed that you can only love them. I find that there’s no better way to start this new decade aside from being reminded to keep going and working hard to get to your dreams because they indeed can come true. If you haven’t watched the series I recommend you check it out, it is definitely worth watching.
Read MoreJanuary 2020 Bullet Journal Set-Up
In this blog post, I will finally show you my 2020 bullet journal setup. I have been planning this bullet journal setup for about six months thinking of what journal I wanted to use, or in this case, how I was going to build my bullet journal and the spreads that were going to welcome this new decade and amazing year that is going to be 2020. In the picture above, you will be able to see the journal I handmade. It is a hardcover 304 page half-letter sized journal. I did a kettle-stitch to sew signatures (pages) that I learned how to do in a tutorial by Sea Lemon on YouTube which I will make sure to link. It is a great tutorial and easy to follow. Keep in mind, I didn’t follow it to the point on the following videos teaching how to make a hardcover style journal and did some things differently because I had to replace some of the supplies she used because I didn't have them at hand, so I would recommend you, either way, check it out if you are interested in creating your own journals. Also, if you are interested in me to make a whole blog post on how I created mine, comment down below so that I can add it to my future content calendar.
Read More2020 Bullet Journal Set-Up
The bullet journal is one of the greatest planning systems that I have used since the moment I started using planners. I love how customizable the system is and how everyone can make it their own in very simple ways. There are many ways in which you can make use of a bullet journal whether you want to use it the way it was created or add and modify things if you see fit.
Read MoreHow I Started Bullet Journaling and My Recommendations