I’ve always had a journal or multiple journals of some sort and as the years have progressed, I’ve gone a little bit fancier with my setup and the supplies I use for journaling since I spend a lot of time on journaling making it more of a hobby. Currently, these are my favorite journaling supplies that I'm using at least on a weekly basis.
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Do you ever struggle with finding the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones or even for yourself? Today, I’m going to share with you a list of Christmas gift ideas divided into 2 categories: Stationery, Art, & Crafting Supplies, and Tech. The Christmas Gift Guide of 2020.
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If you read my December 2020 Life Monthly Planning blog post, you know that every year, instead of using that year’s bullet journal for December, I use a new bullet journal that is used exclusively for this holiday filled month. In this post, I will be sharing with you how I made my DIY Christmas Bullet Journal Kit.
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As a stationery and Disney fanatic, it is my duty to get Disney stationery supplies. I’ve always loved stationery and Disney, but when I saw a specific set of journals from the Oh My Disney Collection at a Disney Store, I fell in love. I pledge guilty of buying that set of journals and loving them more than I anticipated. For any stationery and Disney fan out there, here are my favorite Disney Stationery Supplies.
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Now that a lot of us will be taking online school due to the situation going on in the world, I wanted to share some of the things I did to prep my workspace for an organized, ergonomic and productivity filled space. These are the things that I had and set up combined with some of the things I invested in to have a nice studying setup not only for this semester but for my whole college life. Here are some online school supplies in the tech and organizational department I think you will find helpful throughout your online school experience.
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Whether you are an avid book reader or you have a bookworm as a friend, I think you will really like these DIYs. I had lots of fun making each and every one of them. They all fill my bookworm heart with happiness. Hope you enjoy these DIY Bookworm Crafts.
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If you are a fellow bookworm like myself, you will like this blog post. After years of reading, I found myself keeping track of the books that I was reading and forgetting them. I wanted to fix that issue by designating a book review journal. You see, it’s not that I forgot what the book was about overall, but I forgot if I truly enjoyed it or what I enjoyed about them. I also wanted a place in which I could jot down my feelings after re-reading books that I love. Here we have my book review journal setup.
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So, I finished High School in May (Woo-hoo!!!) and I was left with all the composition notebooks I’ve been using for school for the past 12 years. That being said, I was not just going to throw them all away when there was a possibility I would need them in the future. Well, that future has come. I decided to make new stationery from old composition notebooks. There are many things you can create from the covers to the paper inside and I’m going to show you all the things I made.
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The title is right I made a full-on desk organizer to put on top of my bookshelf in my office/bedroom. I wanted to create an organizer that had everything I could need; vertical and horizontal filing, and drawers and pencil cups for supplies. I will try my best to explain every step of the process of this DIY Desk Organizer in a comprehensive way.
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