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July is here! I honestly can’t believe that we are already in the second half of the year. 2020 has been quite a ride so far. In this Plan With Me, you’ll be able to see that I made quite a few changes to my setup. After my review of these past few months, I decided to try new things for my setup without making it complicated. The theme for this July 2020 Bullet Journal Setup is going to be the movie that changed my life, Moana. For the ones who don’t know, July is my birthday month and I wanted to make sure that I selected a proper theme for it. Hope you like it!
Monthly Overview

I kept this page mostly the same with the monthly log and goal breakdown. I took out the creative projects section because I already have another place to track and manage those that you will be able to see in my upcoming July Planner and Journal Lineup.
The quote I chose for this month is actually a song from the movie. The song is “An Innocent Warrior” which is one of my favorite songs from the movie.
To decorate the page, I doodled one of the patterns from Moana’s dress above the goals section and wrote in the font from the movie. As I wanted to keep this whole setup as simple as possible, I made easy doodles like the flower at the bottom beside the quote.
By the way, if you’d like to see my bullet journal essentials you can check them out here or read the blog post I made about them.
Weekly Goals

These past few months I’ve been making weekly spreads but have found that they do not keep me accountable for one of the things that I want to do in my bullet journal which is daily journaling. For that reason, I decided to go back to what I used to do in my bullet journal that consisted of simply doing a simple header of the date with a divider and journaling away. Still, one thing I’ve been enjoying is having weekly goals, hence this page.
Trackers and Logs

My trackers and logs page is divided into four sections. First, is my usual personal habit tracker. In this tracker, I put all of my personal daily trackers. Things I want to keep track of for personal matters like doing my daily stretching, yoga, reading, meditation, etc.
Second, we have my learning tracker. These are things that I mostly want to do on a daily basis but they vary from one another. For instance, one day I may study a language and graphic design and for another web design and photography. I want to make sure that every day I take some time to learn new things. Even if it’s just one new thing from each subject, that’s one new thing I didn’t know before.
Third, we have my recurring tasks tracker, these are tasks that are repetitive throughout the month. The reason why I made this section is because since I won’t be having my usual weekly spreads with the to-do list section, I still need a way to do recurring to-do lists. As you can see, I made a dotted pattern instead of the graph like with the other trackers.
To use this section, I will be making a circle daily on the tasks that I want to do that day and checkmark it once I complete the task.
Lastly, but certainly not least, is my gratitude log. I always want to have a place to express gratitude as this allows me to view the world in a brighter light and just have a more positive mindset.
I again did another pattern from Moana’s outfit and doodled something like the ocean at the bottom of the spread.
I hope you liked this July 2020 Bullet Journal Setup and found it helpful. If you’d like to see more content like this, make sure you subscribe to my weekly newsletter and check out my social media.
Be Yourself, Be Happy, Be Human.
Lots of Love, Patrick.