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We are finally heading into the January 2020 Bullet Journal Plan With Me. I am so excited about this month’s theme! I chose the Naruto anime series for this month’s theme because this series has so many life lessons built in it that are taught through these kids and beings that have gone through so much stuff and keep going no matter whatever life throws at them. They all went from “zero to hero” several times in the series and the world and the hearts of the characters are so well developed that you can only love them. I find that there’s no better way to start this new decade aside from being reminded to keep going and working hard to get to your dreams because they indeed can come true. If you haven’t watched the series I recommend you check it out, it is definitely worth watching.
Now, let’s head straight into this month’s plan with me as I have already explained the choice of this theme.
Month at a Glance, Log and Goals

I first did my month at a glance page that consist of a monthly log, goals and a quote at the bottom. This page also functions as my cover page for the month since, to this day, I have not had the desire to dedicate a full page to it. If you want to know what a monthly log is, I encourage you to check out the post I did on How I Started a Bullet Journal and my Recommendatios that functions as a sort of Guide for Beginners. I only use the monthly log to jot down holidays and birthdays since they don’t need a boxed calendar to fit into. Every month, I choose at least five goals to focus on depending on the magnitude of the goal. Keeping up with the Naruto theme, I did every header inspired on the design of the typography for the series’ title; as well as did leaves to represent the Village Hidden in the Leaves as bullet points for each goal.
To-Do List & School Calendar

Aside from that page, we have my monthly to-dos and school calendar. The to-do list is pretty self-explanatory. As for the school calendar, I use it with a color-coded key that I have already memorize that allows me to make such a little calendar for school. I’m in my senior year in high school; I can just write things like tests, HW (homework), SP (special project), quiz, etc. and add the color I’ve designated to the class and know whatever is going to come up. I will carry with me the supplies I need for it to school. If you are interested in knowing what I will have in my backpack for my second semester at senior year, make sure to follow me on my social media and subscribe to my email list to be notified when that blog post is coming, which is very soon.
Trackers and Life Log

This is one of my most developed and hectic sort of spreads you could say, I like to have as much at a glance as I can have. On this spread, I did the font and a tree with a quote to decorate it even though I wasn’t even planning on decorating the page at all but I got carried away while designing the spreads. I use this spread to track how I’m doing in my goals and life in general.
From the first month, I started bullet journaling I have had a habit tracker. I like to track things regarding my goals of reading, creative work, and no spend challenges, as well as habits regarding my health such as track my insomnia to see if I have any patterns and keep track of my mental health. The reason that I do my habit tracker in graph form is that it is the way that has worked for me since the beginning and like they say “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.”
One thing that has helped me with my mental health and positivity, is to have a gratitude log. I always make sure to be grateful for at least one thing at the end of the day. It can be things from my family, friends, life, waking up, to things like a song or piece of art that touched me.
I like to also track the books that I want and have read during the month and that I do by listing out the names of the books and authors. If I read the book, I check it off and fill in the books to read spread I made on my 2020 Bullet Journal Plan With Me. Below that, I have a list of weekly creative journaling and left space to jot down little review designs I make when I watch a movie. All of this I remember to make, due to my goals spread I did in my 2020 bullet journal plan. You may be wondering why I make a review for the movies and not for the books, it is because I have a separate notebook for that. If you are interested in watching how I set up that journal, make sure to comment down below.
First Weekly

I have had all sorts of weekly spreads, for now, I’ve been liking dividing my page in four vertically or horizontally and adding a little design to the header or the box itself. Since the first week of January doesn’t take a full spread, I decided to add a quote page with doodles from Naruto and left out the weekly plan I tend to use and continued with the one made for the last week of December… As for the design of the weekly itself, I decided to make it horizontally and added kunais and leaves for the date headers to bring in that Naruto element to the weekly.
If you want to see the rest of my weekly spreads for this month, make sure to check out my social media in which I will be posting my weekly spreads as well as space for the plans and full design on.
I hope you found this blog post helpful and if you did, make sure to comment down below what was your favorite part about it and if you have seen Naruto and what you think of it. Also, if you liked this blog post and want to see other fun content you might be interested in, you can check out my previous posts and subscribe to my email list to receive weekly emails listing out the content put out and any important content posted on social media. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Be Yourself, Be Happy, Be Human.
Xoxo, Patrick