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Happy 2021 guys! I hope you all had an amazing holiday break. To start this year right, I decided the best post to make was of my 2021 Bullet Journal Setup. If you read my 2020 Bullet Journal Setup you will be able to see how, for this year, I decided to create super simple and easy to make spreads filled with imperfections and wavy outlines. I will also be including my January 2021 Bullet Journal Setup within this post so make sure to read it till the end.
Everything that I use for all of my bullet journal setups is listed in my bullet journal essentials kit at kit.co and in my bullet journal essentials blog post.

The first page in this setup is my index. I decided to do a smaller index this year because I’m only planning on using it to identify the start of each month and specific collections.
Next to the index is the 2021 year at a glance page. I like having this spread just as a quick reference because it’s useful at the start of each month when I’m setting up my monthly spreads.
Future Log

I decided to go with a future log just like the one I made in my College Bullet Journal Setup since the division made it super useful when it came to tracking due dates for personal, creative, and school-related due dates.
Keeping up with the minimalistic simple theme, I just wrote the first letter at the top of each month in a block styled font.
Yearly Overview/ In Review

I made this super simple spread to fill in at the end of each month with the highlights and things I was grateful for throughout the month just to have it as something I can look back on quickly once the year is over.
I wanted this page to be colorful so I boxed each month with different colored pencils.

I set up four categories for my goals this year: Personal, Creative, Intellectual, and Self Care goals.
Books to Read/ Reread

This year I went with a super simple bookshelf that isn’t even outlined to jot down the books that I read throughout the year. Most of my reading tracking is on my Notion page that I will be sure to share with you soon so make sure to stay tuned for that. I still wanted to have the books that I read specifically this year in my bullet journal since I like to go through my past years and this is a recurring page in all of my bullet journals.
Master Project To Do

I will either be using this for one big creative project or to have a checklist of all my creative projects for this year.
College Schedule

Just as the title gives away, this page is to log in my college schedule for this semester and hopefully setup an ideal weekly schedule to work on all of my goals.
January 2021
Very different from my yearly setup, for January, I decided to let in a little bit of my perfectionist side. I went with a colorful Winter/ Christmas-y theme just because you can never have too much Christmas in your life.
Monthly Log & Goals

I kept up this spread the same as usual with the month at a glance, monthly log (from the original bullet journal system) to track holidays and birthdays, and my top 5 goals for the month just so that I can see them every day.
School Calendar

Next to that, we have the school calendar that I fill in with due dates for school with a color-coded key I create at the start of each semester. I put something like HW (homework) and add the color of the designated class and with that, I can see at a glance everything I have coming up from uni.
Habit Log & Tracker + Gratitude Log

This is my favorite spread each month because it holds the most amount of data and I love it!
The top tracker is for personal habits like reading, meditating, journaling, etc. Whilst the second one is to track the different things I’m trying to learn like Korean, design, and marketing/ business.
The bottom part is not so much a tracker but more of a log. Those are all the recurring tasks that I have for this creative project (Be Yourself Studios). The reason why is dotted is that I do a circle on the tasks I want to work on each specific day and check them off if I complete them.
On the sidebar, we have my gratitude log since it is a staple as it helps me in keeping up a positive mindset and outlook.
Not Feeling Great Log

I made this page to track my anxiety. I hope that I won’t be needing it much but I will be tracking the date, duration, symptoms, and reasons for any episode I have.
I tried to make it as simple as possible and included some quotes at the top just so that I can read them when I’m not feeling my best.
Brainstorm & Weekly Spreads

Since January started on a Friday, I had a bit of space left at the top of that weekly spread so I made a brainstorm section. As for the rest of the weekly spreads, I kept the same design on all of them and added a weekly goals section.
When it comes to my daily journaling, I will be adding the journal entries at the end of this month’s pages just so that they all are in one place.
I hope you found this blog post helpful, make sure to comment down below if you’ll be using a bullet journal this year and if not, what sort of planner system do you have set?
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Be Yourself, Be Happy, Be Human.
Lots of Love, Patrick.