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Hi guys! It’s November and you know what that means? We are less than 2 months away from Christmas and I’m freaking out with excitement! I struggled quite a bit with setting up a theme for this month’s bullet journal setup. I went with some sort of combination with books and cozy vibes. Let’s just head straight into this November 2020 Bullet Journal Setup.
You can check out all the supplies I used for this setup in the Bullet Journal Kit at my kit.co account or go to this post about my Bullet Journal Essentials.
Monthly Log, Goals & Quote

First, we have my monthly log in which I jot down important days such as holidays and birthdays.
Beside it, we have a place to write down my top 5 goals for the month and below it all we have my favorite from Dr. Seuss: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go.”.
Since this forms a spread with my next page, I started the doodle of a scarf as a header and did some glasses for the goal breakdown header.
As for the quote, I doodled an air globe because for some reason I always draw an air globe every time I put this quote in any of my journals.

School Calendar & To-Do List

As you may know by now, I use a color coded key for each of my college classes so that I can use this calendar efficiently.
November is my Christmas Prep month so for general monthly to-do lists, I just made a ripped parchment paper sort of design because I always think of parchment paper when I think of a cozy afternoon writing letters.
Habit Tracker & Gratitude Log

This is the master spread of the month. I track my personal habits at the top like doing my morning routine, meditating, reading, etc.
Next, we have my learning tracker because I want to make sure that I’m always learning from the areas that I’m most interested in.
Lastly, we have my task tracker. It’s a list of my most recurring tasks regarding this brand.
It is dotted just so that I can add a circle every time I want to do a task on a specific day and check it off or migrate it when the day passes.
At the sidebar, it’s my gratitude log and yes, I’m aware that I forgot to add the dashes to the t’s in gratitude but they have been placed so no worries.
You have no idea how I much I wanted to add Christmas elements to these pages but I held myself and instead of adding Christmas lights, I doodle light bulb fairy lights.
At the bottom, I doodled ripped book pages because there’s nothing quite like the pages of a book for readers.
Weekly Goal Setting Spread

I went pretty simple with the design of this spread cuz’ at the end of the month it will be filled with checked tasks.
Each bookshelf represents a week and the shelves divide the personal and college tasks.
I added the fairy lights again to make the page pop a little bit more.
I hope you liked this blog post and found it helpful. Comment down below what is your favorite book quote of all time!
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Be Yourself, Be Happy, Be Human.
Lots of Love, Patrick.