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February is a great month to reflect on giving yourself, love. For that reason, I decided to do a February 2020 Self Love and Care Bullet Journal Set Up. I will be creating my usual functional planning spreads filled with self-care and valentine’s doodles. I also will be adding some extra little details dedicated to self-care/ love and friendship because I also like to make little gifts for my friends. Don’t worry, I will talk about Valentine’s Day gift ideas in a future post before the fourteenth.
Monthly Log and Goals

The colors for this month are all around the place and basically don’t match at all but I still like it because you live and you learn. After doing my monthly review, I determined that this spread would stay the same as last month and I kept my monthly log and the 5 goals I developed in my life plan with me for this upcoming month that will be published after this blog post.
The monthly log kept its function to be a record of holidays, birthdays, events and appointments.
I did a block header sort of font and for the goals, I did an arrowed header. The thing that I truly love about this page is the little doodle at the bottom. Let me clarify first that that design is not mine and I initially found it in Pinterest and then found out that it is from a shop called Broken Isn’t Bad and the original piece of art is linked here. I encourage you to check it out because it is truly well done and the whole message behind it is beautiful. The only thing I changed in mine were some of the wording.
For the page beside it, I only did my school calendar and moved the to do to another page as you will see. In this calendar, I use a color-coded key to write stuff like tests, HW (Homework), SP (Special Project), etc. And add the color I’ve designated for the subject. I did an envelope of sorts and added little doodles here and there to finish off the page.
To-Do and Self Care

Now we get into my Self Care spread. At the top of the page, I have my master to-do list that is on probation for this month because I didn’t find it that important in January. Below is as I don’t like to waste space (says after using a whole page for a mini-calendar) I have two collections.
I first did my self-care activity list collection and then my playlist for self-love and motivation. I made a whole workbook dedicated to self-love and care that I recommend you check out. You don’t have to pay a dime, you just have to subscribe to my email list and then you will be receiving said workbook. Now, the workbook will be coming out on February 1st and after that, you will be receiving it, as well and weekly updates of BY’s content.
Habits and Gratitude

As usual, I have my habit tracker in which I added an extra habit that is yoga since I already had meditation last month and one of my goals for the new year is to start doing both to carry on to a more healthy lifestyle.
I believe that being grateful every single day is one thing that has helped me see more of the beauty in life and appreciate it even more. I believe that gratefulness leads to a more positive mindset and I enjoy going back through my journals and seeing what I was grateful for on any specific day.
Gift Checklist and First Week

The last page I will be showing with you guys is my gift ideas for Valentine’s Day checklist. I will be making a whole blog post on Valentine’s Day gift ideas for your friends and loved ones and how to craft them on a budget. Below it is a quote and technically the first week of the month as it starts on Saturday.
To decorate the weekly/ daily, I did an outline of a dreamcatcher. If you want to see the rest of the weeklies of the month check out my social media to see them every Sunday and other fun content.
If you are interested in more self-love and care content, make sure you subscribe to my email list to get notified every week the content posted on this blog and social media. Also, make sure you stay tuned as I will be launching my free self-care and love workbook that you will be able to get from the 1st of February once you subscribe to my email list. I hope you liked this blog post and that you give yourself a little bit more love and appreciate how beautiful you are just because you are you.
Be Yourself, Be Happy, Be Human.
xoxo, Patrick.