After taking a year and a half off of university, I came back this past semester (jan-may) with a new mindset that allowed me to enjoy the education process as I once did. This video has snippets from times I wanted to talk about things whilst in uni. I started a new challenge with no name (will probably make some adjustments to the idea at some point). I thought the semester back at university with a new mindset after a gap year would be the best way to start the new lineup of videos now that I have extra time to work on them.
Read Morethe semester back at university with a new mindset after taking a gap year
For the past few months I've been wanting to redo my bedroom. I felt like I had all the pieces but they were scattered all over the place which is why I planned this room transformation tour since it was very much needed. My room went from scattered and cluttered to organized and effective and I love it. Hope you enjoy the process.
Read MoreRoom Transformation Tour – room makeover, decor haul, room tour
Back to school season is back again for a brand new semester. In this vlog, I take you through my first week of college online and the little tasks I did to prep for a brand new semester.
Read Moreprepping for a new semester & first week of college online
Back to school is just around the corner for me and even though the first few weeks have been announced to be online, I decided to set up my backpack and show you what’s in my backpack for college as a second semester sophomore student.
Read MoreWhat’s in my backpack for College? Sophomore Year Edition