Camp NaNoWriMo Planning and Tracking Pages
Camp NaNoWriMo is just right around the corner and if you saw my March Monthly Plan With Me you would have read that it is one of my goals for this month to prep for it and what it holds. Even though for the past couple of months I’ve included creative writing tasks in my monthly bullet journal plan, I have not found myself completing them. Also, for the ones who don’t know what Camp NaNoWriMo is I recommend you check out the post I mentioned of me talking all about it or check out the official NaNoWriMo website. As I said, I haven’t done much regarding my book series and I think that Camp NaNoWriMo is the perfect opportunity to change that and for that reason, I decided to create Camp NaNoWriMo Planning and Tracking Pages in my writing journal you may have already seen in my 2020 planner and journal line up.
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