On my previous video, after going through the ins and outs of the multiply challenge, I said I would be sharing a vlog so here it is. The multiply challenge vlog in which I did mostly the bare minimum as I was just getting out of having influenza.
Read Morethe multiply challenge vlog: getting the bare minimum done with a cold (not a productive vlog)
after last year, I knew I needed to do a full re-brand and not only for Be Yourself Studios, but for myself. this is the ultimate life reset in which I work towards setting the ultimate systems and goals to accomplish all of my objectives, goals, and projects.
Read Morelife reset – working on my dream life (goal setting system, vision board, new look, and more)
Happy Vlogmas Day 2! Technically, it's supposed to be vlogmas day 4 but details... For vlogmas day 2 I decided to spend some time doing self-care and that means journaling to me. I really needed to catch up on journaling in my bullet journal and happy planner. This is a very relaxing journaling session (no talking) with Christmas music in the background to add the vlogmas spark.
Read Morevlogmas day 2 relaxing journaling session (no talking) with Christmas music in the background
For the past few months I've been wanting to redo my bedroom. I felt like I had all the pieces but they were scattered all over the place which is why I planned this room transformation tour since it was very much needed. My room went from scattered and cluttered to organized and effective and I love it. Hope you enjoy the process.
Read MoreRoom Transformation Tour – room makeover, decor haul, room tour
For this week's video, I did a simple self care day in my life that will hopefully give you self care ideas.
Read MoreA Simple Self Care Day in My Life + Self Care Ideas